Teaching Issue
Volume 11, Number 8 / December 2011

Big News From Ligmincha
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Letter From the Editors
Dear Friends,
This December issue of Voice of Clear Light features some very special announcements and important news items that we don’t want anyone to miss. Some are listed in this letter, some are described in more detail elsewhere in this issue.
First, don’t miss the live webcasts tomorrow and on New Year's Day with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (see below). Rinpoche’s letter to the sangha in this issue gives some surprising personal news from him and his family. Also in this issue: an update with the latest news from Three Doors Academy; plus announcements about help-wanted positions at Ligmincha Institute, new international Website plans, and a brief film clip not to be missed! Be sure to see the excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s beautiful new book Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind, which heads this issue.
More big news: 2012 marks Ligmincha Institute’s 20th anniversary! A number of very special events are being planned throughout 2012 at Serenity Ridge. Stay tuned for more plans.
Here are some important upcoming events — be sure to mark your calendars:
- On Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011, 7-8:30 p.m. Eastern Time there will be a free live webcast with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on ‘Unleashing Your Creative Energy.’ This will be broadcast during a free public talk offered in partnership with Unity Church, Charlottesville. More details / enter the broadcast site >
- On New Year’s Day (Jan. 1, 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time), Tenzin Rinpoche will give another live webcast for our Internet audience only. He will deliver a special message for the New Year, and may also guide a meditation practice. New: Live translation into French as well as Spanish may be available Jan. 1 via links on the broadcast page. More details / enter the broadcast site >
- Beginning Jan. 14, 2012, Rinpoche will host a three-week interactive online course on "Awakening the Sacred Body." For more information visit: http://www.glidewing.com/
- On Jan. 16, 2012, registration will be open for the 20th Annual Summer Retreat. The dates of the 2012 retreat are June 24 through July 20. Rinpoche will be teaching on “A View From the Heart: Purifying Your Vision Through the Practice of the Six Lamps (Part 2).” Come for one, two, or all three weeks. No prerequisite, newcomers welcome. Beginning Jan. 16, visit Ligmincha.org to learn more or register.
- During the month of January, Tricycle Magazine has invited Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to host a book-club discussion on Tricycle's Website related to his latest book, Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind. For updates on this free month-long event, visit Tricycle’s website > You can purchase the book in advance from our Tibet Shop >
- On Feb. 18-19, 2012, there will be a one-and-a-half-day conference at Serenity Ridge on ‘New Dialogues Between Buddhism and Science’ with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and a panel of academic presenters. Learn more >
- On Feb. 25, 2012, Ligmincha Institute and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will host a Tibetan New Year (Losar) celebration at Serenity Ridge! As soon as details are available, they will be posted at Ligmincha.org
- Beginning in May 2012, Ligmincha will be offering an exciting new training program in Soul and Life Force Retrieval. This will be a two-year-certificate program with training sessions offered at Serenity Ridge in the spring and fall of 2012 and 2013. Learn more and apply for the program now >
- On Oct. 13 – Nov. 9, 2012, the Third International Lishu Retreat will be held near Dehradun, India. His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be among those officiating during this month of study and practice. You can attend for two weeks or for the entire month. Learn more >
- Rinpoche’s 2012 worldwide schedule is now up on Ligmincha’s website >
Lots of news and lots to be thankful for this season. In 2012, Jeff and I will be celebrating 10 years as editors of VOCL! Yay, and thanks to all those who help make VOCL happen, especially Polly Turner, Dave Liden, Sue Davis-Dill, and all the wonderful others whose voices from the heart inspire us, especially our teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher

The Doorway of Mind
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An Excerpt From Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Just as the body has a clear and eternal aspect and speech a perfected and ceaseless aspect, so the nature of mind is radiant and undeluded. Undeluded mind is always clear with the presence of light. Clear refers to the empty, spacious, unchanging aspect of mind; light to the mind’s unceasing quality of self-awareness. The clear light of your mind’s nature has never been minimized or obscured by thoughts or emotions. In every given moment, the doorway to this clear, luminous mind is there for you. In the most confused moment, the most annoyed moment, the most emotional moment, the door is always there. It is a question only of knowing where the doorway is and entering it.
When speaking of mind as a doorway, it is important to understand the distinction between mind and nature of mind. The mind we are most familiar with is the “pain mind,” the one busy with concepts, thoughts, judgments, fantasies, emotions, and images. The conceptual mind has a dualistic vision of our existence – it identifies as the subject versus object, me versus not me, mine versus not mine. What it wants and desires, it grasps at; what it fears or dislikes, it pushes away. It is constantly comparing good with bad, right with wrong, important with unimportant, attractive with unattractive.
Any thought can manifest in the mind. But when the mind stops thinking and instead turns inward and nakedly observes itself, observing the observer, mind liberates into its own nature like clouds dissolving into the sky or waves dissolving into the ocean.
The nature of mind is rigpa, pure nondual awareness. It is the absence of thought. It is neither virtuous nor nonvirtuous, substantial nor insubstantial. It has unlimited potential to manifest. Its essence is one with the essence of all that exists. Rigpa is sometimes likened to a mirror: just as reflections come and go without leaving the slightest trace on the mirror’s surface, so do all experiences, memories, emotions, and mental images arise and dissolve in our mind without leaving a trace in the nature of mind.
When the nature of mind is unrecognized, it manifests as the moving mind. When known directly, it leads us to liberation. It is liberation. It is undeluded and radiant like a crystal – like the nirmanakaya, the movement of energy that arises from open awareness, the inseparability of emptiness and clarity.
No matter how confused or emotional the mind is, the mind’s nature is always clear, pure, and undeluded. That is why entering the path to liberation is only a matter of our finding a doorway to what is already in us. If we have the right eye to see with, that is the doorway to wisdom. If we look with the wrong eye, we see only deluded objects and will not discover the undeluded mind.
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You can order Rinpoche’s newest book, Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind, from Ligmincha Institute’s Bookstore and Tibet Shop >

A Letter From Rinpoche
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Some Moving News!
As many of you know, for some time Tsering and I have been planning to move to Nepal so that our son, Senghe, can receive further education in the Bon teachings at Triten Norbutse Monastery. Tsering and I both feel that this is not the right time to make this move. We have decided to stay in the United States for the next couple of years and then move, not to Nepal but to India, so that Senghe can receive his education at Menri Monastery. While we will continue to live in the U.S., we feel it is important for Senghe to receive some education in Bon to help prepare him for the move to Menri Monastery. For this reason, we have decided to move temporarily from Virginia to the San Francisco Bay area in California. Geshe Chaphur, who lives there, will tutor Senghe in the Tibetan language and train him in the dharma. I have always enjoyed the nice energy of the Bay area, and this seems like a good opportunity to spend more time there.
As far as my teaching schedule is concerned, nothing will change, including my retreats and other engagements with Ligmincha at Serenity Ridge. I will continue to teach four retreats there each year, as well as give public talks in Charlottesville that will be broadcast live by webcast. We are planning to move to California around August 2012 so we can be settled into our new home in time for Senghe to start first grade.
With all my best wishes in Bon,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Meeting Our Needs for the Future
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A Year-End Message From Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Dear Sangha and other friends of Ligmincha,
There have been a lot of challenges this past year in the world, both globally and on an individual level. By finding inner refuge in our regular meditation practice, we are continually helped, protected and guided as we face these challenges. We can all feel grateful for having this source of support and protection.
Here at Ligmincha International we are trying to do our best to find ways to preserve the Bon teachings and knowledge so that they will remain pure and accessible not only for us, but also for many generations in the future. When a goal is so high, many challenges are faced in trying to meet it. Therefore, all levels of financial contributions are very important for our future.
I hope you will consider making a year-end donation to Ligmincha Institute. Regardless of the amount, we are grateful for your generosity and assure you that every dollar will be thoughtfully spent on necessary projects. Some of our current needs include inviting and supporting resident lamas, developing more programs like the upcoming Soul Retrieval Training Program, having more weekend retreats, and wiring the gompa for live webcasts.
As the end of the year comes closer, I send my blessings to you and all your family.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

New Dialogues Between Buddhism and Science
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A Weekend Conference at Serenity Ridge, Feb. 18-19, 2012
We invite you to join us at Serenity Ridge on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 18-19, 2012, for a very special event: a one-and-a-half-day conference with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and academic presenters associated with the University of Virginia, New York University, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, and others to be announced.
Buddhism has long been viewed not only as a spiritual pursuit, but also as a science of the mind backed by millennia of scholarly study and highly disciplined meditation practice. Many Western scientists now acknowledge that Buddhism has revealed key knowledge about the nature and capacities of human consciousness and behavior.
In this weekend event researchers will present their work related to the impact of contemplative meditation practice on behavior and the mind, as well as examine new areas of research to be explored between scientists and contemplatives. The conference format will be casual and open-ended, leaving plenty of time for questions, answers, and lively dialogue.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will participate actively in the dialogue, as well as lead group meditation practice at various points in the program.
The preliminary list of presenters includes:
- Michael J. Baime, M.D., director of Penn Program for Mindfulness and director of Mind Body Programs, Abramson Cancer Center, Philadelphia.
- Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D., assistant professor, Integrative Medicine Program, Dept. of General Oncology, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston; and associate faculty, McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics, the University of Texas Medical School, Houston.
- Scott Clearwater, Ph.D., physicist and head of The Three Doors Research Committee.
- Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., director and professor, Integrative Medicine Program, Dept. of General Oncology, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston; and professor, Dept. of Behavioral Science, Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences, University of Texas.
- David Germano, Ph.D., director of SHANTI (Sciences, Humanities and Arts Network of Technological Initiatives) at the University of Virginia; and co-director of the UVA Tibet Center.
- Zoran Josipovic, Ph.D., director of Contemplative Science Lab, Psychology Dept., New York University, and founding director of Nonduality Institute, New York.
- Edward F. Kelly, Ph.D., president of Cedar Creek Institute and research professor with UVA’s Division of Perceptual Studies.
- David E. Presti, Ph.D., professor of neurobiology at the University of California, Berkeley.
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha Institute.
- Jonathan Shear, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy, Virginia Commonwealth University
Hours: Saturday 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $135 (includes meals, accommodations extra)
Register now >
Photograph: Presenters at the October 2010 Buddhism/Science conference at Serenity Ridge

New! Soul-Retrieval Training Program
Applications Now Being Accepted
Ligmincha Institute is excited to announce a new two-year training program in Soul and Life-Force Retrieval. This unique program, offered in four five-day sessions in the spring and fall of 2012 and 2013 at our Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Shipman, Va., will provide the in-depth knowledge and experience needed to perform the Bon Buddhist practice of soul and life-force retrieval for oneself or — with the instructor's permission — for others. Early applications are encouraged. Learn more about this program and how to apply >

Three Doors Academy News
New Opportunities for Participating Worldwide
We have several exciting announcements!
- The Three Doors Academy in Latin America will begin in 2012
- The Three Doors Academy in Europe was successfully launched and is open to new participants
- The Three Doors Academy in the United States will begin its second training in October 2012
To learn more about this life-changing program conceived by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and how you can participate, visit http://www.the3doors.org/

Help Wanted
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Paid and Volunteer Positions Now Open at Ligmincha
Two important needs at Ligmincha are listed below. If you are interested in either of these positions — one as our on-site bookstore manager, one involving writing, editing or proofreading —please let us know! Additional volunteer opportunities can be found at this link >
Ligmincha Bookstore & Tibet Shop Seeks New Manager
A Letter From Manager Melissa O’Neill
Hello everyone!
A position is opening up soon for a new Ligmincha Bookstore Manager at Ligmincha Institute’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Shipman, Va. My husband and I will be relocating to Indiana in the spring where he will continue his educational pursuits. I am excited for this new experience, but sad to leave my position here at Ligmincha Institute and my life in Charlottesville, Va.
The good news is someone else will have the opportunity to make a life change and to have the immense pleasure of managing the Ligmincha Institute Bookstore & Tibet Shop. We are now accepting resumes for the position of Bookstore Manager. This full-time, salaried position requires working on-site at Serenity Ridge. Please send inquiries and resumes to:
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This position requires a highly organized person who works well in a small, dynamic office environment. Primary responsibilities include managing the e-commerce site, processing images and uploading them to the Web, writing text for merchandise descriptions, and managing inventory, orders, and sales for both our online and on-site retail store. Applicant must be open to assisting in other areas as needed. Proficiency with Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel and Access) and Quickbooks is a must; knowledge of Photoshop Elements 9, Adobe Audition and Adobe InDesign is a plus.
This is a wonderful opportunity to support the mission and vision of Ligmincha Institute while furthering a rewarding relationship with the teachings and the worldwide sanghas.
In Bon,
Melissa O’Neill
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Editorial Assistance Needed
A Request From the Communications Department
Ligmincha is in need of experienced writers, copy editors and/or proofreaders to help on a volunteer basis with the online and print materials we generate on a continual basis.
We’re looking for someone who feels a deep connection to Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and the Bon teachings; and who has enthusiasm, energy, and dedication for helping others to know about the teachings. This person should be highly detail oriented, flexible, willing to learn in action, and ideally will have at least two years’ professional experience in writing, copy editing or proofreading.
If this sounds like you, please fill out and submit an online volunteer application! Be sure to note on your application your specific interest in volunteering in this area, as well as your related knowledge and experience. If you have questions about this volunteer position, or if you’ve already sent us a volunteer application indicating your interest in this work and continue to be interested in helping on a regular basis, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . We hope to hear from you!

Bringing the Sanghas Together
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New Websites Being Created for Ligmincha Sanghas and Centers
A new network of Ligmincha Websites is now under development! The seed for this idea took root more than a year ago. With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s full support, Lutz Dausend, a sangha member from Spain, is leading the effort.
A new Ligmincha International homepage will serve as a hub for all the worldwide Ligmincha centers and sanghas. This international Website will feature news of international interest; in-depth information about Ligmincha and the Bon Buddhist teachers, teachings and traditions; links to the international centers and sanghas; and more. Primary information will be translated into more than a dozen languages. Having this online home for all the sanghas will help to improve the accuracy, consistency, and accessibility of information as it is presented worldwide, while making it easier for interested people to connect with nearby teachings or practice groups.
New Websites, of similar design to the international page, will also be made available to each of the worldwide centers, sanghas and practice groups associated with Ligmincha. Each center and sangha will have the ability to manage and edit the locally based content of these sites. Lutz will also oversee the design of a new Website for the Ligmincha Institute Bookstore & Tibet Shop. Initial meetings between Lutz and directors of the worldwide Ligmincha centers and sanghas have already taken place; further meetings will be scheduled as development unfolds to determine each center’s needs and interests and inform about opportunities for website development. With these plans underway, it is recommended that no major upgrades be made to existing Ligmincha Websites, so that all energies may be focused on the new network of international sites.
We are grateful to Lutz for his inspiration and enthusiasm for this project, as well as to those members of our worldwide sangha who have already engaged in discussions and offered their invaluable feedback. This is a grand vision and project for Ligmincha, and we hope that the project itself will be a great opportunity to work collaboratively and collectively as an international sangha.
Sue Davis-Dill Executive
Director, Ligmincha Institute

Rinpoche Featured in New Film on Death and Spiritual Awakening
View Film Clip of Interview on Facing Death
In this nearly 2-minute film clip, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche shares advice for people facing death: Take care of your past to have a clearer future. Here is a brief segment from "The Fourth Moment," a feature-length film (under development) about impermanence, death, and the possibility of spiritual awakening and liberation. It is a hybrid film that merges documentary and dramatic narrative.
Learn more about The Fourth Moment >

Upcoming Retreats
Ligmincha’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats described below will take place at Serenity Ridge, Ligmincha Institute’s retreat center in Nelson County, Va. To register or for more information, click on the links below, or contact us at
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or 434-263-6304.
Dec. 27, 2011 - Jan. 1, 2012
The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 4
Annual Winter Dzogchen Retreat With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Participants must have received the teachings for Parts 1 and 2 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung in order to attend these Part 4 teachings.
Learn more or register >
Feb. 18-19, 2012
New Dialogues Between Buddhism and Science
With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and guest speakers.
Learn more or register >
Feb. 25, 2012
Tibetan New Year (Losar) Celebration
With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
More details to come
April 11-15, 2012
Bring Your Life Into Bloom
Exploring the Creative Process With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Join us for a unique opportunity to free yourself from creative obstacles, nurture your capacity for joyful self-expression, and make positive changes in your life.
Learn more or register >
May 5-9, 2012
Soul and Life-Force Retrieval Training
Two-Year-Certificate Program
With Geshe Nyima Kunchap
Learn more or apply >
June 24 - July 14, 2012
A View From the Heart: Purifying Your Vision Through the Practice of the Six Lamps (Part 2)
20th Annual Summer Retreat / 20th Anniversary Celebration!
With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Come for one, two, or all three weeks. No prerequisite, newcomers welcome.
Registrations will be accepted beginning Jan. 16, 2012
To register for any of the above retreats,or for more information about teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please contact us at
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or 434-263-6304, or go to: