New Study Group in Australia
Bon Buddhist Practice Down Under
Ligmincha Institute is happy to announce the formation of a new Ligmincha Australia Study Group, the first such gathering Down Under. Margot Duncan shared this information with us:
Brisbane is Australia's third largest city. We used to be a big country town but with everyone shifting up here from Australia's other two largest cities (Melbourne and Sydney), we have become quite the innovative place to live. Set on the beautiful Brisbane River in a subtropical climate, Brisbane has a population of just over 2 million people. Seven of those people came to the inaugural Ligmincha Australia Study Group on Saturday, August 27, 2011. The eighth member of our study group Skyped in from Adelaide (Australia's 5th largest city), over 1,500 flight kilometers away.
Our study focus was the practice of the Five Warrior Syllables. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's wonderful book Tibetan Sound Healing was our key resource. We used the June 2011 webcast “Tapping into the Source of Creativity” to experience this practice with Rinpoche's guidance. Although it was all very new to most participants, there was a deep sense of inner connection and a lively discussion about the relevance of practice to daily life.
Participants will keep in touch online to encourage each other with practicing until we meet again in about a month. In the meantime, Rinpoche's live broadcasts provide us with such a great archive of teachings. We are really grateful to be able to access these in our own time.
Thank you to everyone at Ligmincha for welcoming us into the worldwide Sangha, and may I give a special thanks to Bob Anger in California for his generous support in helping me to get started.
Best wishes to everyone in their practicing,
Margot Duncan