Letter From the Editors
Some Important News
This issue of VOCL contains two excerpts of teachings by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, the first on the fruits of cultivating open awareness and the second containing an explanation of Rinpoche's evolving approach to the teachings. Following this is some important news about the launch of a groundbreaking new program of teachings known as The Three Doors. Rinpoche wants everyone to know about this exciting new development, so be sure not to miss these articles.
It is so great to hear from you and to share your writings through VOCL! The section on International Sangha News – Students Report From Around the World features our sangha’s many voices – they reach out and touch us from across the world. This month’s article has retreatants’ voices that you will surely relate to in their brief but heartfelt thanks. Their photographs, too, say a thousand words in capturing Rinpoche and the beautiful Serenity Ridge Retreat Center during the recent fall retreat.
For a future issue, we invite you now to share your personal heart experiences as they relate to the question: Have you ever experienced someone’s death and dying in a way that was a real teacher for you, as a way to open the heart? Please share your experience (no more than 400 words) by emailing us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Also, don’t miss the “What’s New at the Tibet Shop!” link atop the Bookstore & Tibet Shop column (on the right side of this page). Here Ligmincha’s Bookstore manager, Melissa O’Neill, fills you in on the store’s latest news and of course, photographs!
All the Best,
Aline and Jeff Fisher