Special Announcements Issue
Volume 10, Number 3 / March 2010

‘Turning Pain Into the Path’
Live Internet Broadcasts in April With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Join us from your computer on Tuesday, April 13, 2010, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time (New York time) for the first of six upcoming live Internet broadcasts with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. A second Webcast will take place five days later on Sunday, April 18, from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time. More information about the 2010 series of Webcasts / public talks >

Weekend Work Retreat
Two Days of Service May 22 and 23, 2010, at Serenity Ridge
Please join us for a spring weekend of joyful service to help us beautify Ligmincha Institute's Serenity Ridge retreat center. Included: Free meals and accommodations, plus More>

Signs of Spring
Preparing for the Spring Retreat With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
After a very snowy winter, Serenity Ridge is blossoming. We're preparing for the April 14-18 Spring Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: 'Sacred Waters: The Healing Practice of Sipe Gyalmo.' To see photographs of springtime and new Tibet Shop items related to this retreat, click here >
Learn more about the Spring Retreat / register online >

Second Online Workshop to Be Held This June
Three-Week Interactive Course With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
From June 12 through July 4, 2010, through instructional videos Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will explain and guide the practice of the ancient techniques of Tibetan Sound Healing. You can progress through these life-changing practices from the comfort and privacy of your own home, and Tenzin Rinpoche will make himself available to provide personal guidance and answer questions. More information >

Chamma Ling Continues to Expand Its Offerings
Teachings in Colorado and New Mexico in May 2010
We are very happy to announce that Lama Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima will be leading More>

News From International Sangha
Students Report From Around the World
A note from VOCL editors: We are happy to be able to share news from students around the world and hope you will enjoy reading bits about what’s going on in More>

Awakening the Self, Discovering Joy
Invitation to the 2010 Summer Retreat
Any experience of body, speech, and mind can serve as a doorway to profound inner transformation. This summer Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche offers the keys to More >

New Summer Tibetan Language Program
Intensive Study in a Retreat Setting at Serenity Ridge
This summer brings an opportunity to immerse yourself in the study of Tibetan language. Join Geshe Namgyal Nyima, author of Colloquial and Literary Tibetan: Practical Usage (Berlin 2008), for an intensive program at the Serenity Ridge retreat center in two 12-day, successive courses from June 26 through July 19, 2010. Learn more >

Upcoming Retreats
Ligmincha’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats described below will take place at Serenity Ridge, Ligmincha Institute’s retreat center in Nelson County, Va. To register or for more information, click on the links below, or contact us at
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or 434-263-6304.
April 14 - 18, 2010
Sacred Waters: The Healing Practice of Sipe Gyalmo
With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Join Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche at Serenity Ridge this spring when he offers a special healing experience for the general public, health care professionals, and anyone who is currently encountering illness.
New: Extend your stay >
Learn more or register >
June 2 - 6, 2010
Introduction to the Nature of Mind: The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 2
With Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche
This year we are again very fortunate to have Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche, the head teacher of Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India, teaching these beautiful and essential practices to us. The concise and essential practice manual of the Experiential Transmission, the Chag Tri, provides pith instructions for those who aspire to practice dzogchen, the path of self-liberation.
Learn more or register >
June 20 - 26, 2010
Summer Work Retreat
Free of charge. Whether you join us for one afternoon or the full week, this is a wonderful time to share with sangha and to be of joyful service. Our work retreat includes vigorous work periods, daily meditation practice, and ample time for a swim in the pool or a walk along the Rockfish River. Participants are provided with free tenting and meals, and for those who participate in the entire work retreat there will be a 50 percent discount on one week of the summer retreat.
For more information or to register, please email Ligmincha at
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June 26 - July 19, 2010
Summer Tibetan Language Program
With Geshe Namgyal Nyima
This summer brings an opportunity to immerse yourself in the study of Tibetan language. Join Geshe Namgyal Nyima, author of Colloquial and Literary Tibetan: Practical Usage (Berlin 2008), for an intensive program at the Serenity Ridge retreat center in two 12-day, successive courses from June 26 through July 19, 2010. Open to beginning and intermediate students.
Learn more >
June 27 - July 17, 2010
Awakening the Self, Discovering Joy: Self-Realization Through the Three Doors of Body, Speech and Mind
19th Annual Summer Retreat With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Our own body, speech and mind can offer direct access to profound inner transformation. The keys to effectively unlocking these three doors are found in the ancient Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, whose powerful meditation practices help to remove physical, energetic, and mental blockages that keep us from achieving our highest potential. Join us for a unique, life-changing opportunity to discover your unbounded being, the source of authentic joy. Registration is available for one, two, or all three weeks.
New: Extend your stay >
Learn more or register >
Oct. 6-10, 2010
Sleep of Clear Light: The Practice of Sleep Yoga
With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Centuries ago, Tibetan yogis developed the practice of sleep yoga to transform these dark hours of ignorance into a path toward enlightenment. A powerful tool for awakening, sleep yoga is more than a practice of the night. It helps us to integrate all moments — waking, sleeping, meditation, and even death — with the clear light of awareness. During this intensive five-day retreat, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach and guide us in the clear-light sleep practices of the Mother Tantra, one of the most important cycles of teachings in the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition.
New: Extend your stay >
Learn more or register >
Nov. 3 - 7, 2010
Tibetan Yoga, Part 2: Trul Khor Training From the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu
With Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
The contemplative movements of Tibetan Yoga (trul khor) enable us to enter all three doors of body, energy and mind through a single practice, offering a powerful, skillful means for clearing the obstacles and obscurations to openness and clarity in meditation practice. Open to students who have received the Part 1 teachings of Trul Khor (Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu) since Jan. 1, 2000.
Learn more or register >
Dec. 27, 2010 - Jan. 1, 2011
Dzogchen: The View, Meditation, Behavior, and Result
The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 3
With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
The Experiential Transmission of the Zhang Zhung Masters is the centerpiece of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s dzogchen teachings and is presented at Serenity Ridge each year at our winter retreat. Prerequisite: Practitioners who have already received the Part 2 or higher-level teachings in a previous cycle of Chag Tri teachings are warmly invited to attend this retreat.
Learn more or register >
New: Extend your stay! You may stay up to three days after the winter retreat for personal retreat time. For more information or to register for an extended stay, contact Ligmincha office at
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or 434-263-6304.
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please contact us at
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or 434-263-6304, or go to: