International Sangha News
Students Report From Around the World
News From Berlin

Nine Huber reports about the recent Soul Retrieval retreat organized by Garuda Germany that was held in Berlin on May 21-23. Nearly 100 enthusiastic participants from all over Europe had the opportunity to attend this wonderful retreat, during which Rinpoche taught the ancient shamanic rites of soul retrieval (
la gu) and life-force retrieval (
tse gu) and guided retreatants in meditation practice. The practice and ritual are powerful methods for overcoming negative influences, cultivating positive qualities, and helping one to heal on all levels of body, speech, and mind. Says Nine, “We are grateful that Rinpoche offered this opportunity and will continue to practice the Soul Retrieval in our Centers.”
Nine invites everyone to attend the upcoming retreat in Buchenau, Germany (near Frankfurt), August 2 through 8, on the topic of
“The Three Doors: Self-Realization Through Body, Speech, and Mind” > For more information, contact
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bongaruda.de News From IrelandMary O’Sullivan sends warm greetings from the Irish sangha! She reports that a small group meets every Tuesday evening in Cork city to practice
Tsa Lung and Healing Sounds; and mentions that the sangha is very much looking forward to hosting Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche this September in Cork, where he will be teaching on
Dream and Sleep Yogas from the Bon tradition. For more information visit
www.bongarudaireland.com or contact Mary at
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or (telephone) 00353 (0) 87 6684324