News From Ligmincha Institute’s Board of Directors
Announcing a New Position
Sue Davis-Dill
The Board of Directors of Ligmincha Institute is pleased to announce that Sue Davis-Dill has been appointed to the position of Executive Director of Ligmincha Institute/Serenity Ridge Retreat Center.
In her previous position as Director of Sales, Sue managed
Ligmincha Institute’s Bookstore and Tibet Shop, guiding its growth in sales and establishing its online presence. For many years, Sue has played an integral role in producing print, CD, and DVD projects; selling and distributing teaching transcripts; and importing Bon practice materials and art. Most recently she supervised the transition and consolidation of Ligmincha’s administrative offices and Bookstore to Serenity Ridge. Sue's work ethic, creativity, and attention to detail are outstanding.
As Executive Director of Ligmincha Institute/Serenity Ridge, Sue assumes the overall authority for supervising employees and volunteers, interfacing with members of the Ligmincha Council, and making all necessary decisions to ensure the smooth operation and continued growth of Ligmincha.
The Board of Directors invites our entire sangha to join us in welcoming our new Executive Director and offering Sue Davis-Dill our continued support as she guides our nonprofit organization toward fulfilling Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's expanding vision.
Melissa Yates
As Sue vacates her role at the Bookstore, the Board of Directors is also pleased to announce that Melissa Yates has assumed the position of Ligmincha Bookstore Manager. Melissa has assisted Sue for a number of years in the Bookstore, steadily increasing her knowledge and capacity to conduct all Bookstore operations. The Board and Executive Director are confident that Melissa's attention to detail, creativity, and buoyant energy will continue to make the bookstore a valuable resource to the worldwide sangha and public at large.
Gabriel Rocco
Board Chair, Ligmincha Institute