Simultaneous Translation of Webcasts
A Letter From Lourdes Hinojosa
Just as many other times, it all began with a dream. I believe that when we have a strong connection to the Teacher and the Refuge Tree we open to their compassionate intent, and our actions of body, speech and mind render useful fruit for the benefit of others.
I dreamed of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, my root lama, giving teachings to a very large audience. But he was not visible for all. In the huge room, his seat was placed in a corner, and a wall was blocking the view. Then I said to him:
"Rinpoche, many people cannot see you! Let's move your seat to the center of the room.” And so it happened. Beautiful and fruitful dream!
Soon after the idea came to my mind: Broadcast Tenzin Rinpoche´s live Webcast teachings with real-time translation to Spanish, using the very same image broadcast by Ligmincha. ... And so it happened! During Rinpoche’s June 2010 broadcast, 71 computers in Mexico and Spain received the translation broadcast, some of them with single viewers and others with groups gathered as sanghas. E MA HO! (How wonderful!)
Any coordinators of centers worldwide founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche who wish to translate Rinpoche’s Webcasts into other languages can do the same, using www.Justin.tv or www.uStream.tv. If you would like to try this for a future Webcast, please let me know so we can help to promote this service to others. I can send you brief instructions for how the translation broadcast was done. To see a recording of this in action, go to: http://www.justin.tv/garuda_bon_budismo/b/265330174
May the Bon teachings flourish.
My heartfelt gratitude to my dearest Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for making these precious teachings available for us all, in a such clear and current way.
Lourdes Hinojosa
Monterrey, México
June 2010
Editor’s Note: We will let you know of any planned Webcast translations authorized by Ligmincha Institute in a future issue of Voice of Clear Light, including links to the broadcast sites. For more information, email Lourdes> To view a recent Webcast by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, click here >