New Opportunities for Practice at Serenity Ridge
Come Join Us for Personal Practice Days, Special Ritual Events, Free Guided Meditations
We warmly invite you to come to Serenity Ridge for a variety of new events. There are opportunities for attending a Tibetan New Year celebration with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, engaging in guided meditations, adding personal practice days to your retreat stay, receiving the blessings of healing rituals, and enjoying the company of sangha in the serene setting of our hilltop retreat center.
* Personal practice days at Serenity Ridge: In response to requests we are now inviting retreat participants to extend their stay for up to three days before or up to three days after retreats with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. You can use this time to prepare yourself in body, mind, and spirit for the upcoming retreat and to reinforce the knowledge and experience gained from receiving the teachings, while also making the most of your investment in time and travel. Participants are encouraged to engage in self-directed practice and to join resident lama Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima in guided meditation practice led twice daily after teachings end. Learn more >
* Beginner’s meditation practice: Join us once a month on Sundays for free guided meditation practice with Lhari-La Kalsang Nyima, resident lama of Serenity Ridge. Learn more >
* Monthly Ngondro practice: Those who have received the ngondro teachings and transmission are invited to participate in monthly Sunday Ngondro practice guided by Kim Cary. There is no charge to attend. Learn more >
* Rituals events at Serenity Ridge: You are welcome to participate in periodic Bon Buddhist rituals led by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche or our resident lama, Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima. Upcoming events:
- Saturday, Jan. 16: The Healing Practice of Sipe Gyalmo with Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima
- Sunday, Feb. 14: Tibetan New Year Celebration with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima
- Saturday, March 20: Soul Retrieval Healing Ritual with Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima.
Learn more about these ritual events >
In addition, Ligmincha routinely hosts other ongoing practice-related events in nearby Charlottesville, Va., such as (in 2010) a series of four free public talks by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche plus a six-week class by senior student John Jackson on integrating meditation into daily life, which begins Feb. 4. Visit our Serenity Ridge and Charlottesville Events page regularly for updates about local events.