News From International Sangha
Students Report From Around the World
News from Poland
Urszula and Bogdan Waszut, administrators for the Ciamma Ling retreat center near Warsaw, Poland, report that recent renovations at Ciamma Ling now provide a new, pleasurable setting for relaxing and resting. In an area surrounded by pinewoods, an old pool was removed and replaced with a nice place for meditation and physical exercises. This work done in March was made possible by the annual financial contributions of sangha members. Two sangha members gave additional financial help and spent more than 50 hours working on this project. Urszula and Bogdan created the video below as a way to thank their donors and share beautiful images of Ciamma Ling in winter. For more information, contact
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or visit http://a.bongaruda.pl/gb/
Video captions, translated into English by Jitka Polanska:
Wilga – the Space of Loving Mother
Ciamma Ling 2010
Travelling together through this magical space we find ourselves beyond boundaries, in deep silence.
Just stop for a while, right now, step by step, a taste of experience…
For one thousand useless words there is one true; hearing this, peace arises.
All that is composed is subject to disintegration.
Follow your way to destination, persevere.
When mind is looking into mind, substantiality of phenomena disappear.
Every moment is an opportunity to share love.
If you catch the king of primordial perception, impurities become his servants.
As rain penetrates into a house with a bad roof, desires enter an untrained mind.
Nothing is worth being an object of desire. Space is already here, open and hospitable.
For the one who can see, nothing is permanent.
There are many ways but only one destination. Even the longest journey starts with a first step…
Works of renovation of our retreat center are in progress. If you feel like joining us in our activities, you are welcome to support us in one of the following projects: renovation of cabins, kitchen, cafeteria, completion of the gompa, building a dormitory in the old laundry…
News from Hungary
Katalin Jakab reports that quite a big practice group from The Gate of Dharma Buddhist College Budapest was able to attend teachings and meet Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche at the end of March in Vienna. The students appreciated the teachings and most of them plan to start the five-year training with Rinpoche beginning in October 2010.
As a teacher for the College as well as translator of two of Rinpoche's books into Hungarian, Katalin encouraged the students to read Rinpoche’s books in advance in preparation for his teachings. She says she hopes that local sangha in Europe will join together in inviting Rinpoche to teach the Healing Practice of Sipe Gyalmo, the topic of his recent teachings at Ligmincha Institute’s annual spring retreat at Serenity Ridge. To inquire further about this or about ordering the books in Hungarian,
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A note from VOCL editors: We are happy to be able to share news from students around the world and hope you will enjoy reading bits about what’s going on in the centers and sanghas where Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches around the globe. To submit your own news and photographs of interest for possible inclusion in a future issue, please email us at
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