Children Invited
Bon Family Retreat Scheduled for June 25 – 26, 2010

Please join us for the first annual Bon Family Retreat led by
Lama Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima, resident teacher for Serenity Ridge. In this weekend program families with children between the ages of
2 1/2 and 12* are invited to participate as a family in four organized sessions per day. There will be plenty of time for socializing, play and caretaking around our meals together.
To register for the family camp, please email
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or call 434-263-6304.
The retreat will begin 9 a.m. Friday, June 25, and conclude at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 26, before the arrival of the first Summer Retreat** participants.
Mission: To provide an opportunity for opening and deepening the spiritual connection of the next generation of practitioners.
Daily activities include:-
Two simplified meditation sessions each day led by Lhari-la: one movement-oriented session of
Tsa Lung Trul Khor yoga; one session of chanting mantras and prayers, such as the three heart mantras and Yeshe Walmo invocation
Dharma arts activities: calligraphy and painting with Lhari-la
Dharma story time and songs led by Cindy Allred-Jackson, M.Ed.
Retreat caretaking with the children: gardening, cleaning, food preparation.
Costs: Family registration: $50
Meals: $25 per day for adults (children free)
Materials and snack fee: $30 per family of four, $5 for each additional family member
Accommodations: Camping $10 per person per night. Only a few rooms with twin beds are available; or, if registered for Week 1 of the Summer Retreat, you may add days to the room you have reserved at the same cost per night. Please see www.ligmincha.org for pricing of
on-site accommodations or
off-site accommodations.To register for the family camp, please email
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or call 434-263-6304.
Parents’ responsibilities: There will be work retreat activities and possibly a group of Tibetan language students also at Serenity Ridge during this time, so children will need to be supervised at all times to ensure their safety and that the work of others is not interrupted.
*Children younger than 2 1/2 are welcome but will need a primary caregiver willing to leave the larger group to meet the infant/toddler’s needs. Teens may also attend with their families and may assist with the younger children.
**Families staying for Week 1 of the Summer Retreat are invited to organize a parent-supported co-op for their children, keeping a similar schedule during the week and paying a materials fee. Cindy Allred-Jackson will create an activity plan and purchase supplies around the theme of the Five Elements.
About Lhari-la Kalsang Nyima > To register for the family camp, please email
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or call 434-263-6304.