Weekend Work Retreat
Two Days of Service May 22 and 23, 2010, at Serenity Ridge

Please join us for a spring weekend of joyful service to help us beautify Ligmincha Institute's Serenity Ridge retreat center. Included: Free meals and accommodations, plus daily guided meditation sessions.
We'll be painting the dining room walls and floor; and for those who prefer to be outdoors we'll also be painting the outside of the lama house. There will be other projects around the retreat center such as cleaning, gardening, pulling weeds, and general upkeep.
Two guided meditation practice sessions will be held daily.

Participants will receive free meals and free on-site accommodations in the Garuda House. You may arrive on Friday evening, May 21, to settle in. We'll begin our mornings with breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by painting at 9 a.m.
Newcomers are welcome. Local commuters are also encouraged to join us for a few hours or for the entire weekend.
Registration required. To register,
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or call her at 434-263-6355.