THE VOICE OF CLEAR LIGHT - Special Announcement Issue

News and Inspiration from Ligmincha Institute

Volume 8, Number 3 May 2008


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Announcing the "Sangha of Volunteers": A letter from Gabriel Rocco on behalf of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

How to join Ligmincha Institute's Sangha of Volunteers – and why

Three new volunteer opportunities with Ligmincha Institute: Retreat coordinators; graphic designers; Ligmincha downtown beautification

Upcoming retreats at Ligmincha's Serenity Ridge Retreat Center




On behalf of Tenzin Rinpoche, I want to announce a new and significant initiative of Ligmincha Institute: the Sangha of Volunteers.

As most of you know, Rinpoche's teachings and Ligmincha Institute have flourished, due in large part to the volunteered talents, expertise, time and energy of many sangha members, students, friends, and professionals. We are grateful for the generosity of so many in our community who have offered financial and volunteer support. Ligmincha Institute continues to grow, and our need for volunteers grows along with Rinpoche's expanding vision. As we reflect on the possibility of more retreats at Serenity Ridge, greater access to teachings at our new Web site, interactive classes, healing forums, new transcripts and published materials, and other expressions of Bon dharma, we recognize our need for volunteers. We need an enthusiastic Sangha of Volunteers!

I am pleased to introduce Karen Patrick, who has stepped forward to

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assume the challenging volunteer position of Volunteer Coordinator. Karen possesses a wealth of experience and a desire to support Ligmincha Institute in our efforts to better match the talents of sangha volunteers to specific projects and positions. She is looking forward to communicating with all sangha members and friends of Ligmincha to support you in offering to volunteer your skills and expertise to help manifest Tenzin Rinpoche's vision.

Please visit the "Volunteers" section of our updated Web site located at in order to profile your talents and begin finding ways to help.

As many of you know, our Web site is undergoing a technology overhaul, improving Ligmincha Institute's ability to make Rinpoche's teachings accessible; to streamline retreat registration and dormitory reservations; and to support practitioners who have dharma questions, are seeking more information about us, or may need support due to illness. The Web site is a work in progress, so please visit often and experience our growing capabilities for communication, learning, practice instructions, and support.

I'd like to acknowledge all the volunteers who are engaged in this work of Web site improvement including: Candace Beyers, Dave Liden, Polly Turner, Sue Davis-Dill, Mary Ellen McCourt, Lee Hartline, Donna Russo, and others.

Please consider joining the Sangha of Volunteers, we need you!

Gabriel Rocco

Board Chair, Ligmincha Institute



"In a spiritual community, or sangha, volunteering is not just about what you are trying to accomplish for the organization, it is also about what you are trying to accomplish internally for yourself. The work is real, the work is needed. But the fruit of the labor is not the work itself, it is the transformation within you because of the work that is so intimately related to the teachings, the community of practitioners, and your practice. The Sangha of Volunteers can become a path to clearing your internal obstacles to your true nature." -- Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

We are encouraging everyone who has the intention to participate in sacred service to join the Sangha of Volunteers: new students of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, friends of Ligmincha Institute, those who are already volunteering, as well as those who don't know how they can help but just want to learn more.

Joining the SOV is very simple: It begins with visiting Ligmincha Institute's Web site, Click on "Volunteer" in the left-hand menu, and then fill out the online application.

The application gives you an opportunity to check off any of your special interests and abilities and to send us other information you think might be helpful. Press "submit," and the information will be immediately emailed to the Volunteer Coordinator.

I am well versed in the growing needs of Ligmincha and will contact you to learn more about how we can match your background, needs and interests to Ligmincha's needs. As you'll see from the Volunteer Application, many one-time or ongoing projects at Ligmincha can be done from anywhere -- you don't have to live near Charlottesville.

The SOV is new, so we hope you'll have patience in these early stages. My wish over time is to find a volunteer opportunity for everyone who wants to volunteer. In the meantime, signing up with the SOV is the best way for us to know your interests, and can allow us to be in touch with you should a special need arise.

We look forward to hearing from you!

In Bon,

Karen Patrick

Volunteer Coordinator Ligmincha Institute







Ligmincha Institute is forming a new team of volunteer retreat coordinators to help manage retreats at our Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Nelson County, Va. Students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche are invited to apply.

Ligmincha Institute's new vision is to develop a team of devoted students with complementary qualities who are willing to be trained in the responsibilities for coordinating and harmonizing the efforts of the retreats held at our Serenity Ridge retreat center in Nelson County, Va.

While coordinating a retreat requires dedicated effort, the work is a very rewarding way to outwardly manifest one's meditation practice. Importantly, it serves to further the efforts of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Ligmincha Institute in bringing the teachings to Western students.

Retreat coordinator trainees will be a part of a rotating team, and they will be trained in all aspects of retreat coordination. These pivotal people set the tone of the retreat, and their joyful service will flow through all aspects of the organization.

There will be different responsibilities to focus on, depending on each trainee's energies and talents, such as coordination of:

* Work exchange

* Rituals and ceremony

* Community caretaking

* Communications

* Special events

* Grounds and flowers

The coordinator trainees will have the flexibility to try out different tasks to find those in which they are inspired in joyful effort.

The Retreat Coordinators are responsible for coordinating the efforts of the staff, council and other volunteers to promote a supportive environment at Serenity Ridge for the transmission of the Bon teachings. During retreats, they serve as the center of an expanding circle of volunteers who will add their energies to the vibrancy of Serenity Ridge. Flexibility is the key to this position.

As a retreat coordinator trainee, you must:

* be a devoted student of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

* have attended a few retreats at Serenity Ridge

* be an effective team player and competent team leader

* be detailed oriented, while holding a peaceful open mind * have excellent problem-solving abilities and be flexible to changing situations

* be confident delegating tasks to other retreatants and

inspiring their joyful effort

* have good intuition for matching people's talents and styles tothe tasks.

Depending on the trainee's responsibilities, he/she may need to start helping three to four weeks before a retreat in organization and planning.

Retreat coordinator trainees will be training with Donna Russo, Retreat Coordinator and Ligmincha Council member.

If you are interested in this position, please fill out and submit the online Volunteer Application form at (click on "Volunteers"). The volunteer coordinator, Karen Patrick, will contact you to discuss the details. ***


We are looking for a team of people who have a sincere desire to be part of the growth of Ligmincha Institute and have a heartfelt connection to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.


JOB LOCATION: Can be done from anywhere

TIME COMMITMENT: Short-term project

APPROXIMATE HOURS PER WEEK: 2-5 hours (over a brief time span). Although this is a short-term project, it may grow into more volunteer opportunities.

DATE JOB BEGINS: immediately

OTHER REQUIREMENTS/CONSIDERATIONS: We are looking for a team of people who will be trained by Communications Director and Ligmincha Council member Mary Ellen McCourt. All needed photos, logos, and text will be provided. The candidates will need to own all software programs on their computers. They should be able to make press-ready PDFs in both color and black and white. They should be knowledgeable in the following applications:

* QuarkXpress7 or InDesign CS3 page layout

* Photoshop

PERSONAL QUALITIES NEEDED: A heartfelt connection to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and the Bon Buddhist tradition. Please see this as an opportunity to give something back for all that has been given to us. You should have a sincere desire to be part of a team that helps the tradition grow and prosper in the 21st century. You should be reliable and able to work independently to produce high-quality work on a deadline.

MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Make a sincere commitment to finish whatever project one chooses to work on. Responsibilities will differ depending on whether the project is a single ad, a series of ads, or a teaching transcript, for example.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS POSITION, please fill out and submit the online Volunteer Application form at The volunteer coordinator, Karen Patrick, will contact you to discuss the details. ***


We are looking for a rotating team of people to nurture the physical environment of Ligmincha's Downtown Meditation Center. This team will attend to the decor, cleanliness, and shrine needs of the center.



JOB LOCATION: Ligmincha's Downtown Meditation Center


APPROXIMATE HOURS PER WEEK: Flexible time commitments. If you make a weekly commitment, it should take 1-1.5 hours.

DATE JOB BEGINS: Immediately

OTHER REQUIREMENTS/CONSIDERATIONS: Lee Hartline (Ligmincha's Office Manager, Serenity Ridge Retreat Manager, and Ligmincha Council member) will train and supervise this team. You will have access to the building in the day and some evenings. We will work with your schedule so you can keep your commitments.

PERSONAL QUALITIES NEEDED: Volunteers on this team will use 'pervasive energy.' Attending to the cleanliness and beautification of one's environment helps one to release inner and outer obstacles.

MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: This creative team will prepare the environment for the comfort and joyful uplifting of our teachers and sangha. They will beautify the decor, helping others to appreciate the care, cleanliness, and sacredness of the space where we receive teachings and sangha support. They will coordinate seasonal decorations, clean, and attend the shrine room and common areas. Although you may only be responsible for one aspect, you will be trained to understand the whole task.


Participate in maintaining the cleanliness and atmosphere of the shrine room, kitchen, bathroom, offices, and hallways including the entrance. This includes weekly vacuuming of all carpeted areas, and cleaning and disinfecting all hard surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom.


The attendants will choose a theme based on the seasons and the teachings of Rinpoche; use a creative approach to carrying out this theme in the decor (flowers, napkins, placemats, etc.); attend to and do a deep cleaning of the shrine, including polishing the offering bowls, cleaning the candle holders, and dusting photographs of teachers.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS POSITION, please fill out and submit

the online Volunteer Application form at The volunteer coordinator, Karen Patrick, will contact you to discuss the details.



May 1-4, 2008

Vital Breath: Harnessing the Healing Power of Movement and Sound – Tsa Lung and the 5 Warrior Syllables With Marcy Vaughn

Info:,com_retreat/Itemid,41/retre at_id,21/

May 15–18, 2008

A Tri Trul Khor (Tibetan Yoga)

A new presentation of magical movements chosen by Tenzin Wangyal


From the A Tri Bon dzogchen tradition With Alejandro Chaoul-Reich

Info:,com_retreat/Itemid,138/retr eat_id,17/



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For more information about Ligmincha Institute, the teachings of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, or retreats at Serenity Ridge or our regional centers, please contact us:

Ligmincha Institute

313 2nd St. SE Suite #207

Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-977-6161 fax 434-977-7020 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


For books, tapes and transcripts of teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as well as other books and items supportive to Bon and Buddhist practice, please visit the Ligmincha's Online Store at or contact the Ligmincha Store at 434-220-0060 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


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